Cream Filled Pocket Cake


This cake is a classic delight, where soft, moist texture meets the creamy richness of vanilla. Enjoy the timeless taste of vanilla in a light, airy package.


This is a true treat for chocolate lovers. Every bite is packed with deep, velvety chocolate cream, wrapped in a soft cake, making it an irresistible snack.

Red Velvet

The pocket-sized red velvet cake with its bright red color and smooth texture is filled with a cream complementing the cake’s cocoa flavor. It’s a charming mix of taste and fun.


Bursting with the zesty tang of orange, this pocket-sized cake brings a refreshing twist to snack time. The combination of citrus cream and soft cake is just perfect!


The strawberry cream-filled pocket cake is filled with the lush taste of strawberries, creating a perfect balance of fruitiness and creamy delight. It’s ideal for a light, joyful snack.

Vanilla with Chocolate Cream

This cake features a light vanilla outer layer with a heart of rich chocolate cream. It’s a mix of two beloved flavors, creating a doubly delicious treat.

Vanilla (Veg.)

This pocket cake filled with classic vanilla is soft, fluffy and eggless. A big thumbs-up for the vegetarians to indulge in.

Chocolate (Veg.)

This cake is a gooey chocolaty delight for the chocolate lovers who are vegetarians. This cute little chocolate-rich pocket cake is eggless!